What To Do After a Car Accident

Getting into a car accident can be a very stressful and scary time. So much is going on at once; there’s a good chance you’re going to be overwhelmed or disoriented. The steps to take after a wreck are crucial, but in the moment, they can be hard to remember.

According to the Insurance Information Institute, these steps are the best actions to take after an accident to make sure things are handled properly:

1.       Check for injuries on yourself and your passengers – Make sure that you are not injured before checking on any passengers or other drivers.

2.       Get yourself to safety – after confirming that you are not injured and no passengers are severely injured, get yourself to safety. If your car is in a hazardous spot and is moveable, pull it to the side of the road.

3.       Call 911 – call 911 as soon as you can to let first responders know of the accident. Even if no one is injured, or the cars are not severely damaged, still call 911 to let police know that the accident as happened. A police report will greatly help the claims process later on.

4.       Wait for help – after calling 911, turn off your engine and turn on your hazards to warn other drivers of the wreck.

5.       Exchange information – work on exchanging information with the other drivers and passengers involved. This includes full names, phone numbers, driver’s license and license place numbers, descriptions of vehicles involved, and the location of the accident.

6.       Document the accident – Take photos of the damage to your car, other cars, and property damaged, and the surroundings of the scene.

7.       Notify your insurer and begin the claims process – give your insurance agent a call to begin the claims process. This is usually best done after you have received the police report. This report will state who all was involved, which driver is thought to be at-fault, and all information needed to open an insurance claim.

Car accidents are something that we all hope never to happen, but the reality is that they happen every day. The best thing we can do to protect ourselves is to drive alert, practice safe driving, and if we are in a wreck, knowing the steps that need to be taken. Always know that in the case of an accident, your insurance agent is there to help you.


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